
New England Upland members are dedicated sportsmen and women who like fine guns, good dogs, fast game birds and enjoy the excitement of having all three come together in the upland fields.

The benefits and privileges of becoming a New England Upland member allow you to pursue your passion the way you want to when you want to.

We work hard to cater to your needs and the needs of your guests. Just ask.

Member Benefits

  • Hunt everyday Sept 1st - April 30th

  • Train everyday May 1st - Aug 31st

  • No fee for guests

  • Discounted bird pricing and packages

  • One residual bird for every five purchased in a package

  • Discounted European shoots

  • Two discounted European shoots for guests a year

  • Discounted shotgun shells

  • Beverages & snacks for you and your guests

  • Full use of property year round

  • Fields available for dog training year around

  • Birds available for dog training year around

  • Pond available for dog training and fishing

  • Selection of fields with transportation if requested

  • Use of Farview Farm club house for social functions ( no fee)

  • Trout Fishing from ice out to ice in - catch and release

  • Spouses & children under 18 included as members

Membership Details

Annual Membership cost - $1500

(Includes all adults in the household with no additional guest fees for friends and extended family)

We currently have a few openings for the 2024/25 season.

Demand to join the club is very high. If you are considering joining, please reach out to us at your earliest convenience.

Bird Packages ( Members Only)

  • 100 Pheasants / Huns (save $4 per bird) + 20 bonus birds- $2800

  • 75 Pheasants / Huns (save $3.50 per bird) + 15 bonus birds - $2137.50

  • 50 Pheasants / Huns ( save $3 per bird) + 10 bonus birds - $1450

  • 25 Pheasants / Huns ( save $2 per bird) + 5 bonus birds - $750

  • 25 Chukar Partridge Hunting Package ( save $3 per bird) - $625

  • Members get $2 off list price for pheasants when they pay as they go (No bonus birds)

  • Members may harvest one bonus bird at no extra cost for every five they purchase as part of a package.

  • Please note that due to bank fees a 3% charge will be added to all credit card transactions. Checks are preferred.

    The majority of bonus birds should be collected during the course of a regular booked hunt where X number of birds have been released for you and your party.

    If you would like to just hunt bonus birds, we can help arrange that the day before or day of your desired date based on availability of time slots and hunting areas.

    Once birds on account are used, NEU cannot guarantee availability of additional birds .
    In the event of a pheasant shortage, other game birds may be substituted.

Cancellation / No Show Policy

Rain, snow, sleet or shine, all members are required to notify the club of any cancellation for *walk up hunts or guided hunts at least 24 hours prior to the hunt time.

If members cancel last minute and birds have already been released those birds will be forfeited from their account. Applicable guided charges will also be billed if one was reserved.

You must notify us by calling 603 478 0099 no less than 24 hours in advance.

*Please see the Continental Shoot page for cancellation / no show policy for those events

Refund Policy

No refunds are available, and memberships cannot be transferred to other individuals.


Reservations must be made prior to your hunt by calling 603 478 0099